什么是澳洲留学签证500申请文件中的GS 4641

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从2024年3月23日开始,澳洲移民局对于留学签证申请加大审查力度,Genuine Student (GS)作为签证申请材料中的重中之重,可以加速签证官快速了解留学生来澳洲学习的合理性,从而帮助学生签证申请顺利批准。
Genuine Student requirement
The Government has replaced the Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) requirement for student visas with a Genuine Student (GS) requirement. This is effective for student visa applications lodged on and after 23 March 2024.
This requirement does NOT apply to student visa applications lodged before 23 March 2024. We will continue to assess these applications against the GTE requirement.
All applicants for a student visa must be a genuine applicant for entry. They must stay as a student and be able to show an understanding that studying in Australia is the primary reason of their student visa. The GS requirement is intended to include students who, after studying in Australia, develop skills Australia needs and who then go on to apply for permanent residence.
To be granted a student visa, all applicants must demonstrate they satisfy the genuine student criterion or the genuine student dependent criterion.
In the online student visa application form, we will ask the applicant the below questions to address the GS criteria.
- Give details of the applicant’s current circumstances. This includes ties to family, community, employment and economic circumstances.
- Explain why the applicant wishes to study this course in Australia with this particular education provider. This must also explain their understanding of the requirements of the intended course and studying and living in Australia.
- Explain how completing the course will be of benefit to the applicant.
- Give details of any other relevant information the applicant would like to include.
Answers must be written in English, with a maximum of 150 words per question.
There is an additional question for those applicants who have previously held a student visa or those who are lodging an application in Australia from a non-student visa.
Along with the responses included in the application form, the applicant must attach supporting documents to their ImmiAccount.
Generic statements unsupported by evidence are not given significant weight in the GS assessment. This means it is important to provide evidence to support a claim made by the applicant.
We consider an applicant’s overall personal circumstances when we assess whether they are a genuine student.
随着澳洲移民局对学签加大力度的审查,Genuine Student (GS)作为材料中的重中之重,可以帮助审理官快速了解学生的来澳学习的合理性,从而助力学生签证顺利下签。